Vanquis Bank Savings


Vanquis Banking Group has a rich history dating back to 1880 when the company was founded in Bradford by Joshua Kelley Waddilove as The Provident Clothing and Supply Company. Today, Vanquis Banking Group is a FTSE All-Share company listed on the London Stock Exchange with around 1.7 million customers.

Vanquis Credit Cards is the largest dedicated specialist "low and grow" credit card issuer in the UK. Since launching in 2002, we have accepted over 3.5 million customers in the UK. We have operations and call centres in London, Chatham, Bradford and Newcastle and have been named the Moneyfacts Credit Builder Card Provider of the Year for 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Vanquis Bank Savings offers deposit products to UK customers and has opened over 80 thousand accounts since our launch. Vanquis Bank Savings was winner of the Best Long Term Bond Provider in the Savings Champion 2017 Awards.

As Vanquis Bank is independent of any other UK bank and building societies your savings with Vanquis Bank are eligible for the full FSCS protection.

Vanquis Bank is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority and is registered under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

Vanquis Bank is a full member of UK Finance, the trade association for the UK's financial services industry.

Learn more about the Vanquis Banking Group here.